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What you get with books is a world of motivation, knowledge, and inspiration. Reading self-motivational weight loss books can truly lift the spirits because when you lose your motivation, choosing the right book can be pretty important.
Our list of books will greatly inspire you and motivate you, serving as a guide – you will love connecting with them, sharing their personal triumphs in the pages of these exciting books. You can change your life through the power of books.
Go and check-up “diet books” on Google or Amazon and just see what you come up with – an overwhelming supply of books on this diet and that diet, and this way of eating and so forth. We all know how hot this topic is and the phenomenon of “The body beautiful” will simply never go away.
Then comes the New Year, and a deluge of diet books about weight loss hit the shelves, many of them promising wonderful results, if you can just stick with them, before the old habits set in again. A lot of them are all just quick-fix solutions.
But on the other hand, there are diet books, not so much about dieting per se, but more about eating right and maintaining the right eating pattern throughout your life – and along the way, the weight falls off.
Let’s face it; a lot of the real basic weight loss books aren’t going to make the bestseller list, are they? Because we all know the bottom line, that it rarely happens that we start a diet and finish it, and we also know that there aren’t many diets that last for around 3 months and for the rest of your life the weight stays off. That’s in our dreams!
You won’t find a lot of bestseller books that literally tell you that, the fact of the matter is, you need to eat less, period. You need to eat only healthy nutritional foods; you need to keep the body moving and do exercise if you really want to achieve weight loss and keep it off.
You get all kinds of fancy diets – the egg diet, the banana diet, an eat-only-fruit diet. What about the diet that Beyoncé went on? The maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and lemon juice diet.
Do all these diets appeal to everyone – do they suit everyone? Not likely. So where does that leave you? Somewhere in that huge stack of weight loss books is going to be the diet plan that will suit you well. Maybe you have tried dieting in the past, and there are one or two diets that you try and return to every now that once made you feel a bit better about yourself.
The best books for weight loss are not in vain because you will find the right diet in the right book again, the one that will cheer you on, offering you the magic words that set your mindset into the “time for change” mode. Just make sure the one that you do opt for is a book and diet that is fundamentally sound.
For instance, don’t go and buy a book that suggests it is OK to over-indulge in December, offering you something in January to make all the past month over-indulgence just melt away! Avoid these type of extreme solutions; the ones that you cannot stay with long-term.
What you really want is a diet, an eating plan that maintains a healthy weight for you, without adding worry or guilt into the equation; a diet that you can more or less stay on continuously.
Find your own best ways of reaching your personal weight loss goals and find your ideal weight loss book that will become part of your journey.
We are going to help you find some of the best books to take with you on holiday to ready while browsing on the beach or to stock up on at home; books that will inspire you to lose weight, get fit and keep you motivated along the way.
Let’s face it; there are many diet books out there that can be pretty off-putting, but these titles might just inspire you to start you on the road to the feeling of well-being, fitness, and health.
The 12 Best Weight Loss Books
Check out these unique titles:
1.Half-Assed: A Weight-Loss Memoir – Jennette Fulda
A lot of weight loss books have a dry topic, a kind of fact-based instructional approach. But not Jennette Fulda – she goes in the other direction. Her weight loss memoirs highlight the honest, human side of her story, a story of losing half of her weight after reaching a life-threatening whopping 169 kg (372 pounds)! Throughout her tale, she keeps her tone positive. You will love connecting with her on her journey, on a level you never before thought possible. It’s a book to truly motivate and inspire.
2.Food Matters: A Guide To Conscious Eating – Mark Bittman
Mark Bittman is a food journalist, and in his book, he explains just how healthy eating, as well as preserving the environment go hand in hand. Bet you never thought of it like that! It might never have occurred to you just how many unhealthy foods in the world today are contributing so much to the pollution around us. In his book, he outlines how each one of us can counter that.
Basically, his book is about losing weight but saving the planet as well. That’s in the first part of his book. The second half contains 75 fabulous recipes that are weight-friendly, but also environmentally friendly – a very conscientious book about losing weight of which the ecologically conscious person will love.
3.The No Diet Diet: Do Something Different – Ben Fletcher
Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? Professor Ben Fletcher is a Professor of Occupational and Health Psychology, being an expert in occupational stress and behavior change. He has published over 100 articles and is an author of over eight books, apart from giving conference papers all across the world. His book is not about restrictive eating habits or fad dieting.
His book highlights the power of behavioral change when it comes to weight loss. You will discover just how various behavior changes can break bad eating habits in a way that’s so much fun that you won’t even notice your changing shape! Apart from weight loss, you will realize how behavioral change benefits other aspects of your life as well. Reading this book will inspire you to change.
4.Thin For Life: 10 Keys to Success from People Who Have Lost Weight and Kept It Off – Anne Fletcher
Thin for life? If that’s not an attention grabber title! This weight loss book also isn’t your stereotypical diet book either. It encourages people who are really struggling to lose weight to change their life – a book packed with variety. Anne Fletcher studies 160 ‘masters’ who have lost weight, and significant amounts of weight, using various methods.
She also details how they managed to achieve it and why their diets were so effective. You will have the luxury of choosing the solution from the person whose diet works the best for you, and you can almost guarantee that of the 160 examples, you will find one that will suit you down to the ground.
5.Our Lady of Weight Loss: Miraculous and Motivational Musings From The Patron Saint Of Permanent Fat Removal – Janice Taylor
Dieting and weight loss is tough work, so if you can stay positive and laugh along with our lady, Janice Taylor, while you lose weight, this book is for you. She will be your dieting companion during the good and bad times, offering light-hearted tips on starting to learn about and love the healthy foods, even urging you to take up some creative hobbies to ‘steal’ you away from the junk foods. Now and then she allows you to enjoy an odd indulgence – but you read all about it in her book, it will either be your cup of tea or not.
6.The Long Run: A New York City Firefighter’s Triumphant Comeback From Crash Victim To Elite Athlete – Matt Long
This is quite a tear-jerking story, this one, by Matt Long. He was hit by a bus at one stage in his life, with his chances of surviving the ordeal being pretty slim. If he did survive, he stood the chance of being paralyzed. But he would not go down without a fight, and he fought hard during his rehabilitation, achieving what many people would have thought of as totally impossible – to finish the 2008 New York City Marathon, a 7½ hour run through five boroughs. Matt says it was running that saved his life and today, he has inspired many runners who have turned him into an example of recovery and hope. Read it, it’s inspirational!
7.LEAN & MEAN: Fat Burning Secrets Of The World’s Best Personal Trainer – Billy Beck III
Who is Billy Beck III? He is two-timed winner as being the best personal trainer of the year, elected to the Fitness Hall of Fame. It’s no wonder because he is a master of the art of transforming peoples’ physiques and their lives.
If you are intrigued to dig into this book, you will be able to read about and discover the changes you want to make to your own body through his training and nutrition strategies. When you read Lean & Mean, you begin to realize that you don’t really have any excuses not to lose weight and get fit.
Billy’s techniques and tips have proven themselves over and over again. And it’s not only about healthy eating – Billy goes into detail about the powers of visualization and mental motivation to get you up and running, literally!
8.Slow Fat Triathlete: Live Your Athletic Dreams In The Body You Have Now – Jayne Williams
If you are a person who has never really done any exercises before and you have battled with weight loss, when you look at Jayne Williams as a triathlon runner, you want to move on to another book, because what you see is a super-fit, in shape woman. But don’t move away just yet. Jayne Williams was possibly just like you at one stage.
She was a slightly overweight person who tried every now and again to “start a diet.” One day, she decided to take on the challenge of a triathlon, even calling herself the ‘Slow Fat Triathlete.’ Nevertheless, with months of dedication and determination behind her, she found herself loving the training more than she could ever imagine.
In her book, she tells you how it is possible to gradually build yourself up to triathlon standards. If it’s not a triathlon you are looking for, she shows you how likely it is to reach the extreme levels of fitness she has attained, despite what your starting physique looks like – How inspiring is that!
9. Born To Run: A Hidden Tribe, Super Athletes And the Greatest Race The World Has Never Seen – Christopher McDougall
This book is about running – the message to people that Christopher McDougall tries to put across in his book is that running should not be boring for you. He once visited the famous Tarahumara Indian tribe. These people are known to run hundreds of miles every week, barefoot, through canyons, with no cares about anything else.
They believe that running is just as natural to them as is breathing. Read Christopher’s book and see what fascinating insights he comes up with about what running means for us humans – you will see running in a new light. You will read about how the Tarahumara’s are pitted against some of the world’s best ultra-runners. See for yourself if you are not donning a pair of running shoes, eager to get out there, after reading this gripping book.
10.Keto Diet – Dr. Josh Axe
This book comes from the same author as the national bestseller, ‘Eat Dirt.’ The Keto Diet book will also keep you glued to its pages – it’s all about how you can not only lose weight but change your whole lifestyle through his 30-day plan. Apart from that, you will want to go home and experiment with his over 80 delicious recipes to help you burn fat and fight inflammation – let alone reverse disease.
It stands to reason because this diet is the world’s fastest-growing diet. If you practice it correctly, it will prove to burn fat, reduce inflammation balance your hormones, fight cancer, clear up bad gut bacteria, and improve neurological diseases.
That’s aside from increasing your lifespan. Does it sound too good to be true? It’s all true, but you will have to read it yourself. Read how unfortunate it is that there are still so many people who still remain unaware that there are several key factors that make this diet successful which are so crucial.
Which means many people get frustrated; they fail and even relapse. In this book, Dr. Axe offers you step-by-step guidance to achieve lifelong health and lifestyle. You will be introduced to five different ketogenic protocols, each one explained to you, allowing you to pick the right one for your lifestyle and body – key to your success.
11.YOU: Losing Weight: The Owner’s Manual to Simple and Healthy Weight Loss – Michael F. Roizen, MD & Mehmet C. Oz, MD
Dr. Oz and Michael F. Roizen explain many diet issues in their new book in a simple, enlightening and clear fashion. We all know by now that there are no shortcuts when it comes to weight loss, and this book explains how time and smart moves can do it right for you.
Readers are offered combined strategies and tips to achieve the weight loss they yearn for and smaller waist sizes that they always longed to achieve. Michael Roizen is an anesthesiologist and an internist, as well as being an award-winning author.
He is also the chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic. He is also noted for encouraging Americans to exercise and to live healthier lives. He speculates that by 2023, of the 14 areas of aging, they might have a breakthrough enabling people to live until around 160, yet still retain the same quality of life as someone at 45!
But in the meantime, he and Dr. Oz, cardiothoracic surgeon, Columbia University professor, pseudoscience promoter, and author, and proponent of alternative medicine share their favorite superfoods for weight loss as well as exercise suggestions on how to get the most from your workouts.
You will love all the food plans and recipes, as well as excellent advice on the science of losing weight, for good. You will find this little book very handy if you want to drop a few pounds off this summer.
Want to know the ultimate diet for 2019?
It’s none other than the Mediterranean Diet – this diet got the top ranking in the USA News’ list. It makes sense because it’s actually not really a diet, it’s a way of life, it’s the way to eat and live for the rest of your life! Not only is it heart-healthy, packed with fruits, fish, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, and nuts, but research continues to show that the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of heart disease, plus it’s got other health benefits.
These include lowering bad cholesterol, reducing the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and Parkinson’s disease. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that when you adhere to the Mediterranean diet, you lower the risk of causes for the above diseases by 25%. Therefore, our final book to add to your weight loss basket is:
12. The New Mediterranean Diet – eBook by Harry Papas
You will be joining thousands upon thousands of people who are eating well and losing weight with this new Mediterranean diet book. It features delicious, fat-burning, and easy-to-make Mediterranean diet recipes. It even offers you the psychological tools to stay slimmer.
In this book, you will see how the incredible flavors of the Mediterranean are used to help you burn fat and get incredible results. Harry Papas would know, because he is a certified dietician in Greece, and he lost over 100 pounds by creating his revolutionary nutrition plan, the Mediterranean Diet. He couples it with self-awareness needed to combat the triggers that we probably have all experienced and which contribute to weight gain.
In the Mediterranean diet, you will find that you stay slim on foods that you actually enjoy eating. You will love making the recipes found in this book plus enjoy reading about the practical nutritional advice.
As you read this book, you will begin to understand why you have gained the weight you have, but the book also provides you with the psychological support and encouragement needed to lose the weight you want to lose permanently and keep it off!
If you feel you need a new mindset to start your diet, don’t worry, there is also a book for that, it’s called “Mindset: Changing The Way You think To Fulfil Your Potential – Dr. Carol S. Dweck”. It’s a number 1 bestseller on Amazon.com, packed with glowing reviews which you can read about.
Just to clear up with you though, this is not a book about dieting, it’s an influential book about motivation; totally applicable for your weight loss plans and dreams; what with its ground-breaking ideas of the power of mindset – discover what it can do for your weight loss ideals!
Remember the harder you work for something you want, the greater you will feel when you do achieve it!