Krill oil is derived from krill, which is a tiny crustacean that barely measures 5 cm at most, whose characteristic color originates from the astaxanthin carotenoid.It can be found in the waters of the Antarctic Ocean, the southern Indian Ocean and the regions surrounding the Antarctic Peninsula.There has been a lot of research on Krill oil recently.This tiny shrimp-like crustacean can be considered a staple of Marine wildlife.In Asian countries like Taiwan and South Korea krill is a traditional food and is used for a wide variety of dishes, soups and salads. It is also known as Okiami by the Japanese and is a source of food since the nineteenth century.
Krill oil And Omega- 3 Fatty Acids
Omega- 3s are polyunsaturated fats, also known as “essential fatty acids,” which means that the body needs them but can not produce them on its own.The omega-3 fatty acids are divided into two parts: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) .
Krill oil has high levels of omega-3 fatty acids similar to fish oil with the only difference that in fish, these fats are in the form of triglycerides, while in krill oil they are found in the form of phospholipids . These are part of the structure of cell membranes, keeping the functioning and communication with the rest of the body.
This form of omega-3 fat in phospholipid form, unlike the triglyceride form, makes its absorption more efficient, making it much more bioavailable and effective.
Omega-3 is essential for the proper functioning of the brain, and it should be noted that 60% of the brain is fat and 30% phospholipids. Phospholipids can help the brain’s neurotransmitters work better and hence its importance.
Krill Oil Benefits
It is estimated that krill oil could be 48 times more potent than fish oil. This would mean that the amount of krill oil needed is less than that of fish oil. This is confirmed by the study published in 2011 by Journal Lipids.
A study published in the Journal of the American Association found that consumption of omega-3 fats is related to a prolonged survival of patients with coronary artery disease because these fats seem to prevent shortening of telomeres.
Telomeres are one of the keys to understanding aging. These are at the tip of each arm of the chromosomes. Throughout life, these are shortened every time a cell divides. In turn, free radicals can also break down telomeres, which is believed to accelerate aging. So if krill oil prevents shortening of telomeres, this could slow down the aging process and reduce the chances of dying from any cause.Likewise, it improves joint disorders. According to a study that appeared in the American Journal of Nutrition, this oil rich in omega-3 could reduce stiffness and increase joint mobility. The research suggests that the participants showed a remarkable change in their joint conditions after two weeks of using the krill oil.
While traditional fish oil is rich in omega-3 but low in antioxidant content, krill oil synergistically combines antioxidants with omega-3s. It naturally contains a powerful antioxidant called astaxanthin , a red pigment that gives krill and other crustaceans their reddish color, and that fights oxidative stress and offers some other benefits for skin, eyesight, and cell health.
The consumption of this oil significantly increases energy, fighting in this way lethargy, reluctance and possible mood problems. Athletes can also benefit a lot from this oil because it increases endurance and enables a better athletic performance.
Does Krill Oil have Side Effects?
These types of supplements are very safe and feel great, but can occasionally produce some side effects like stomach pain, nausea. Some people can experience bad breath or heartburn just like fish oil.
A study published by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center showed that krill oil can affect blood coagulation.The reduction of blood clotting also known as Blood Thinning could expose serious risks to people with bleeding disorders.The problem can be aggravated if these people suffer a wound or cut because the healing process could take longer than normal to heal.
People who take anticoagulants should inform their doctor before taking the supplement. Other medications (estrogens, analgesics, diuretics, etc.) can also interact with krill oil, so it is always advisable to consult your doctor.
Although there is still no conclusive evidence that people with allergies to shellfish may also have an allergic reaction to krill oil, it would be best to avoid using it or take it with caution.