Woman with cupping treatment on back

Losing weight can be a challenging journey for many people. From changing long-held habits around diet and exercise to finding the motivation to stick with a weight loss program, the path to a slimmer physique is often riddled with obstacles. This has led many people to explore alternative therapies that may complement a healthy lifestyle and help boost weight loss results.

One such therapy that has recently gained attention is cupping. Cupping is an ancient healing technique that utilizes specialized cups to create suction on the skin. This suction is said to facilitate healing and provide a range of health benefits. In recent years, cupping has been increasingly touted as a way to reduce body fat and shed excess weight.

But does cupping for weight loss really work? Let’s explore some of the proposed benefits of cupping and see what the research says about its effectiveness as part of a weight loss regimen.

How Does Cupping Work?

Cupping has been practiced in traditional Chinese medicine and Middle Eastern cultures for thousands of years. The technique involves placing glass or plastic cups on the skin and creating a vacuum inside the cups by removing the air. This suction on the skin lifts the underlying tissues and pulls blood flow towards the area being cupped.

There are two main forms of cupping:

  • Dry cupping – This involves just the use of suction from the cups without any additional interventions. The cups are placed and left for a period of time, typically 5-20 minutes.
  • Wet cupping – With wet cupping, the skin may be superficial pricked or nicked before the cups are applied. This allows some bloodletting as the cups draw blood to the surface.

Both forms of cupping aim to increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and facilitate healing in the targeted area. Enhanced blood flow is thought to help eliminate toxins, minimize pain, and break up fascial adhesions.

Proposed Weight Loss Benefits of Cupping Therapy

Cupping glasses with textbook

Advocates of cupping for weight loss point to several ways that this therapy is believed to reduce body fat and support the weight loss process:

Improves blood circulation

Enhanced blood flow to tissues and organs is thought to oxygenate cells, remove metabolic waste, and improve general tissue function. Proponents theorize this can boost metabolism and fat burning.

Specific cupping points on the abdomen may stimulate blood flow to visceral fat deposits around the organs. Increased circulation to this visceral fat may mobilize calories from this harmful fat to be used as energy.

Drains excess fluids

Build-up of fluids in tissues is thought to contribute to inflammation and weight gain. The suction effect of cupping is believed to drain excess fluids and reduce swelling or edema.

This may facilitate weight loss by minimizing bloating and puffiness. Cupping along the lymph nodes can also support improved drainage of lymphatic fluid which may reduce water retention.

Activates the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system plays a key role in metabolic processes and waste excretion. Sluggish lymph drainage is linked to fluid retention and weight gain.

Cupping may activate lymph flow and improve waste elimination. This supports the body’s ability to break down fat and shed pounds.

Releases toxins

Some proponents state that cupping draws toxins out of the body. The suction purportedly lifts skin, connective tissue, and muscle to facilitate toxin release. Eliminating these toxins is thought to minimize bloating and allow the body to function optimally.

Reduces cellulite

Cellulite is caused by fibrous bands or adhesions under the skin that can create a lumpy texture. The mechanical action of cupping is said to break up these fibrous bands, releasing trapped fluids and toxins.

This release of adhesions may smooth the appearance of cellulite. Some also believe it can minimize fat bulging through the tissue and reduce overall fat.

Relieves tension and stress

The combination of suction and skin manipulation during cupping massages tissues and may provide pain relief. This relaxation effect may minimize cortisol and other stress hormones linked to weight gain and fat storage.

By reducing tension, cupping may support a healthy metabolism.

Supports healthy digestion

Applying cups to the abdomen may encourage healthy digestion by stimulating the flow of digestive juices and gases. Proper digestion and elimination of wastes is an important factor in weight maintenance. Cupping may also reduce bloating and flatten the stomach.

Does Science Support Cupping for Weight Loss?

With many proposed benefits, cupping seems like it could be a positive addition to a weight loss plan. But what does the research actually say about cupping and its effects on body weight?

Unfortunately, current evidence is fairly limited. Very few studies have looked specifically at cupping as an intervention for weight control. However, some research provides preliminary support:

  • A 2012 study in Korea found cupping therapy significantly reduced body fat percentage, body mass index (BMI), and body fat mass in women with obesity and abdominal fatness compared to control groups.
  • An Egyptian study in 2016 showed cupping therapy over four weeks significantly decreased waist circumference and body weight in obese women.
  • A Chinese study found that 8 weeks of cupping therapy decreased overall body weight and regulated blood lipids in obese patients compared to control groups.

While these studies hint at fat-reducing benefits, all had very small sample sizes (between 20-60 participants) which limits the strength of their conclusions. More robust, high-quality studies are needed to truly determine effectiveness.

Researchers theorize cupping may promote weight loss through several mechanisms:

  • Reduced fatty deposits: Cupping may mobilize excess fatty deposits and lipid pools that accumulate under the skin and around organs.
  • Lower inflammation: Cupping appears to have anti-inflammatory effects, which may improve metabolic factors linked to obesity.
  • Hormone regulation: Cupping may balance key hormones like leptin and ghrelin to reduce fat accumulation and appetite.

However, human data is still lacking to confirm these potential mechanisms. More research is required to verify these theories.

Is Cupping Safe for Weight Loss?

When practiced correctly, most experts agree cupping seems to be relatively safe, though some temporary side effects may occur.

Potential adverse effects associated with cupping therapy include:

  • Skin irritation: Cupping can lead to circular bruising, burns, and hickeys on the skin that may last 1-2 weeks. Gentle cupping is ideal.
  • Blistering: Dry cupping may blister the skin in some individuals. Blisters should be allowed to heal naturally.
  • Infections: Unhygienic cupping can increase infection risk if equipment is not properly sterilized. Single-use cups are recommended.
  • Scars: Repeated cupping in the same location may scar the skin. Rotate cupping sites to prevent scar tissue.
  • Anemia: Excessive wet cupping and bloodletting could lead to anemia. Limit wet cupping and avoid it if you have anemia or bleeding disorders.
  • Pain: Some people may experience soreness or muscle pain during or after cupping. Lighter suction may help reduce discomfort.

Proper cupping techniques from an experienced practitioner can help minimize side effects. Make sure to consult your doctor before trying cupping if you have any medical conditions or concerns.

Effective Cupping Points for Weight Loss

Cupping terapy.Healing bloodletting, hijama or phlebotomy.

If you do decide to undergo cupping treatment for weight loss, focusing the therapy on key points relevant to obesity may provide the best results.

Some common areas cupped for weight control include:

Abdominal points

Cupping the abdomen targets fat deposited around the organs and may stimulate digestive and metabolic processes. Useful points include:

  • Around the navel
  • Over the lower abdomen
  • On the flanks

Back points

The fleshy areas on the back tend to accumulate subcutaneous fat. Targeting these zones may mobilize fat and minimize “bra rolls”.

  • Along the edge of the shoulder blades
  • On the upper back below the neck
  • Just above the hip bones


Cupping along the outer thigh and IT band focuses on stubborn fat deposits and cellulite in the lower body. Inner thigh points also improve circulation.

Hips and glutes

This area is prone to fat accumulation. Cupping may encourage circulation and minimize bulges.

Is Cupping Better than Massage for Weight Loss?

Since cupping has a massaging effect on soft tissue, some wonder if it provides any unique benefit compared to massage therapy alone.

A few key differences between cupping and massage:

  • Cupping may drain fluids more effectively: The suction effect seems to specifically target fluid congestion in tissue. Massage mainly stimulates circulation.
  • Cupping can reach deeper tissue: The pull of the cups can reach deeper fascia and muscle layers compared to manual massage.
  • Cupping may have longer lasting effects: Studies indicate the metabolic changes from cupping may persist longer than massage. The circular marks left by cupping may provide ongoing stimulation.
  • Cupping utilizes abdominal points: Abdominal cupping targets fat deposits around visceral organs, which is difficult to reach through superficial massage.
  • Cupping focuses on fat-prone areas: The cups are placed directly on stubborn fat areas like the back, hips, and thighs. Massage is applied more generally.

More comparative research is needed. However, the preliminary evidence suggests cupping may provide unique mechanistic benefits for weight loss above massage alone. The combination of targeted cupping and deep tissue massage may be ideal.

Best Practices for Safe and Effective Cupping

If you plan to integrate cupping therapy into your weight loss program, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Consider working with a trained practitioner initially. Proper technique and cupping knowledge are important.
  • Start with just a few cups per session until you assess your tolerance.
  • Use lighter suction at first. Too much suction can damage capillaries or bruise.
  • Limit sessions to around 20-30 minutes 1-2 times per week initially.
  • Rotate cupping locations and avoid repeated cupping in the exact same spots.
  • Apply cold packs after cupping to close pores and capillaries.
  • Stay well hydrated before and after treatment to support toxin flushing.
  • Avoid cupping over fractures, burns, or wounds. Cup only healthy intact skin.
  • Monitor for signs of infection and discontinue use if skin appears infected.
  • Adjust frequency and intensity if cupping causes significant pain or discomfort.
  • Talk to your doctor, especially if you have medical conditions, take blood thinners, or are pregnant.

Following precautions, cupping therapy appears to be a relatively safe addition to a comprehensive weight loss plan.

Is Cupping Enough for Weight Loss?

While some benefits for weight control have been proposed, most experts advise cupping should only be seen as a complementary treatment and not a standalone solution for significant fat reduction.

Cupping is thought to target very deep visceral fat and tissue adhesions. However, subcutaneous fat makes up about 80% of overall body fat for those with obesity. Additional strategies are needed to adequately address subcutaneous fat layers.

For optimal weight loss results, cupping is likely most effective when combined with:

  • A calorie-controlled diet: To force the body to mobilize and burn fat stores through an energy deficit.
  • High-protein intake: To prevent loss of lean mass as fat is shed.
  • Strength training: To build metabolism-boosting muscle.
  • Cardio activity: To maximize daily calorie burn and fat oxidation.

Without these key pillars for fat loss, cupping therapy alone is not likely to lead to major weight reduction for most individuals.

Think of cupping as an add-on technique that may enhance the effects of core weight loss efforts rather than a magic bullet for dropping pounds.

Thermogenic Cupping – A Specialized Weight Loss Approach

One unique form of cupping combines traditional cupping methods with thermogenic or heat-producing elements.

Thermogenic cupping uses cups or tools that generate heat in order to increase circulation, stimulate tissue release, and promote sweating. Proponents believe this heated approach may enhance the fat-burning and weight loss effects of cupping.

Some examples of thermogenic cupping tools include:

  • Moxibustion – Cups are placed over burning herbs such as mugwort to deliver heat alongside suction.
  • Fire cupping – Cotton pads soaked in alcohol are lit to create fire inside the cups and increase heat.
  • Infrared cups – Special cups emit infrared wavelengths that deeply penetrate tissue and generate heat.

By raising the temperature of tissues several degrees, thermogenic cupping may have benefits like:

  • Increased blood flow and circulation
  • More profuse sweating to eliminate wastes
  • Enhanced metabolic rate
  • Better mobility of stiff tissues

Early research on infrared cupping suggests it may positively influence body composition compared to traditional cupping. However, overall data is still extremely limited in scope.

Potential Contraindications for Cupping Therapy

While generally considered low risk, cupping may not be appropriate for everyone in all situations. Individuals may want to exercise caution or avoid cupping if they have:

  • Bleeding disorders or taking anticoagulant medications
  • Diabetes – cupping can affect blood sugar
  • Skin damage, wounds, or burns
  • Nerve pain or neuropathy
  • Implanted medical devices that could be dislodged
  • Congestive heart failure or high blood pressure
  • Varicose veins
  • Kidney disease
  • Hemophilia or anemia
  • Pregnancy – cupping may stimulate pre-term labor

Talk to your doctor before considering cupping therapy if you have any health conditions or concerns. They can help assess whether it is a safe and appropriate treatment option for your individual needs.

The Takeaway

Preliminary studies hint that cupping therapy may offer some weight loss benefits when combined with core healthy lifestyle changes. Possible effects include:

  • Enhanced circulation to mobilize fat stores
  • Drainage to reduce bloating and puffiness
  • Toxin clearance to optimize fat burning
  • Smoothing of cellulite

However, current research is extremely limited, and larger scale studies are still needed. Cupping is likely most effective when paired with diet, exercise, and other evidence-based weight loss interventions rather than used as a stand-alone solution.

When performed correctly, cupping appears relatively safe for most healthy adults. However, side effects can include skin irritation and bruising. Consulting a certified practitioner is recommended, especially if new to cupping.

While more research is still needed, cupping therapy may be a helpful addition to your wellness routine if you are looking to trim down. When used safely and appropriately, it offers potential support for your weight loss goals.

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